Covid-19 suicides


Jun 4, 2018
Another teen .... a young man (16) took his own life & leaving a note saying he couldn't take it anymore & that he felt isolated & depressed after months of Covid lock downs & social distancing . The young man from brunswick , Maine is just one of several teens nationwide who have committed suicide for the same reasons

Jun 4, 2018
X-FILES won't mention stuff like this when he tells us how great the lock downs are for us
Feb 20, 2002
"one of several teens nationwide" = Statistically insignificant, so hardly worth mentioning in the discussion re 10's of millions dying if there were not extreme safety measures (lockdowns, etc) employed. And who can say they wouldn't have committed this sin of suicide anyway if there were not lockdowns. Furthermore, re "he felt socially isolated", in this day of internet, video chat, cell phones, etc? He made his own free will choice in a God rejecting society that should have impressed upon him that such an action is wrong & immoral. So blame him & a God rejecting society.

What is obviously clear is due to lockdowns:

1) serious vehicular accidents & deaths are way way down
2) flu deaths & serious complications have decreased tremendously
3) C-19 ill health & deaths are far less due to the lockdowns
4) likewise probably other communicable diseases (e.g. tuberculosis, HIV) have been greatly reduced by the extreme safety measures in place
5) street crimes have probably been highly reduced.
6) families have been able to spend more time together enjoying each others company while free from the slavery of that 4 letter word "work" that the vast majority hate. Giving more time for quality of life activities like sex & various entertainments.
7) abortions (child murder) are probably down.
Feb 20, 2002
Many kids & young people's lives have already been saved due to the worldwide lockdowns.

Because motor vehicle accident deaths are the #1 leading worldwide cause of death in such.

"Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for U.S. teens."

"Each year, 1.35 million people are killed on roadways around the world.4

"...Road traffic injuries are estimated to be the eighth leading cause of death globally for all age groups and the leading cause of death for children and young people 5–29 years of age. More people now die in road traffic crashes than from HIV/AIDS.4"
Feb 20, 2002
[FONT=&quot]"COVID-19 now likely leading cause of death among 25-44's in USA":

"...Based on the study findings, the team concluded that COVID-19 has likely become the leading cause of death among young adults in some areas of the U.S. during the pandemic. The team also noted that in these regions, the COVID-19 related mortality is similar to the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)/ Acquired Immunodeficiency Disease Syndrome (AIDS) epidemic at its peak in the country between 1994 and 1995.

Jan 11, 2008
"one of several teens nationwide" = Statistically insignificant, so hardly worth mentioning in the discussion re 10's of millions dying if there were not extreme safety measures (lockdowns, etc) employed. And who can say they wouldn't have committed this sin of suicide anyway if there were not lockdowns. Furthermore, re "he felt socially isolated", in this day of internet, video chat, cell phones, etc? He made his own free will choice in a God rejecting society that should have impressed upon him that such an action is wrong & immoral.

I don't get into any of these discussions because everyone has their own beliefs but for you to make the above statement about ANY teen suicide is shameful. These teens are not mentally capable of understanding what is going on with all that is happening around them.
ALL doctors have said that people do not reach their full brain type function until they are around 22-24 yrs old.
This teen was 16 !!!

And you say he is "statistically insignificant". Really ??? I coach these kids and YOU HAVE NO CLUE what they are going thru mentally right now. Their parents are having issues understanding what to do and because a 16 yr old can't understand, he is "statistically insignificant"?

You just might be the biggest douche bag I have ever seen on the internet to make such a statement.

How can you justify making such a statement above ?

You are such an asshole.

Sharp Inc.
Apr 18, 2009
I don't get into any of these discussions because everyone has their own beliefs but for you to make the above statement about ANY teen suicide is shameful. These teens are not mentally capable of understanding what is going on with all that is happening around them.
ALL doctors have said that people do not reach their full brain type function until they are around 22-24 yrs old.
This teen was 16 !!!

And you say he is "statistically insignificant". Really ??? I coach these kids and YOU HAVE NO CLUE what they are going thru mentally right now. Their parents are having issues understanding what to do and because a 16 yr old can't understand, he is "statistically insignificant"?

You just might be the biggest douche bag I have ever seen on the internet to make such a statement.

How can you justify making such a statement above ?

You are such an asshole.

+1 he’s a Cumbag
Feb 20, 2002
"one of several teens nationwide" = Statistically insignificant, so hardly worth mentioning in the discussion re 10's of millions dying if there were not extreme safety measures (lockdowns, etc) employed. And who can say they wouldn't have committed this sin of suicide anyway if there were not lockdowns. Furthermore, re "he felt socially isolated", in this day of internet, video chat, cell phones, etc? He made his own free will choice in a God rejecting society that should have impressed upon him that such an action is wrong & immoral. So blame him & a God rejecting society.

What is obviously clear is due to lockdowns:

1) serious vehicular accidents & deaths are way way down
2) flu deaths & serious complications have decreased tremendously
3) C-19 ill health & deaths are far less due to the lockdowns
4) likewise probably other communicable diseases (e.g. tuberculosis, HIV) have been greatly reduced by the extreme safety measures in place
5) street crimes have probably been highly reduced.
6) families have been able to spend more time together enjoying each others company while free from the slavery of that 4 letter word "work" that the vast majority hate. Giving more time for quality of life activities like sex & various entertainments.
7) abortions (child murder) are probably down.

I don't get into any of these discussions because everyone has their own beliefs but for you to make the above statement about ANY teen suicide is shameful. These teens are not mentally capable of understanding what is going on with all that is happening around them.
ALL doctors have said that people do not reach their full brain type function until they are around 22-24 yrs old.
This teen was 16 !!!

A 16 year old is capable of knowing that things like murder, theft & suicide are sins, wrong & selfish decisions. He is also capable of reaching out for help from other people & God. Where i live a 16 year old can even get a drivers license, have sex & drink alcohol.

"The Youth Criminal Justice Act (YCJA) is the federal law that governs Canada's youth justice system. It applies to youth aged 12 to 17 who get into trouble with the law. The YCJA recognizes that young persons must be held accountable for criminal acts, although not in the same way or to the same extent as adults."

And you say he is "statistically insignificant". Really ??? I coach these kids and YOU HAVE NO CLUE what they are going thru mentally right now. Their parents are having issues understanding what to do and because a 16 yr old can't understand, he is "statistically insignificant"?

Evidently you don't understand the meaning of "statistically insignificant". Anything that is 1 in 20,000,000 is "statistically insignificant". Get it now?

You just might be the biggest douche bag I have ever seen on the internet to make such a statement.

How can you justify making such a statement above ?

You are such an asshole.

Evidently your emotions, not intelligence or reason, is controlling you with that fool's rant.

How can i justify it? See above, retard.

New member
Jan 18, 2005
XFiles is the most vile piece of shit human on this site. Do not know anything about him but he is definitely a Communist.
He 100% a delusional loon! Not very intelligent either

Think we need to ignore him totally, no one respond to any of his threads .

People like him are a detriment to society, they should be minimized or more...
Jan 11, 2008
You miss my whole point you piece of shit.

About your "first" reply - yes, minors 12 on up can be charged as adults in crimes they commit but that doesn't mean that their brains are fully formed like an adult. They react more out of impulse than logic. This is not me making this up, this is what ALL doctors have said.
Also, NO 16 year old can legally drink ANYWHERE in the United States. Does that mean that they don't do it, of course they do. Again, that is being done out of impulse without logical thinking.

Your next point - I don't give a fuck if the number is 1 out of 100,000,000,000 - it is still "significant." All lives and deaths are "significant" !
If they were not, than ALL these Covid deaths would be "insignificant" according to your numbers because less than 2 % of the worlds population is dying from it.

And your last point - you are correct, there are emotions involved as there should be., but ALSO intelligence and reason, something you can't seem to understand.

My whole point was that you can't seem to grasp what this Covid has done mentally to adults and the youth. I am around it all the time and these kids just can't understand what is going on. They can't "grasp" what is happening around them - being quarantined, not being able to see their friends at school, outside of school, etc.
They are use to getting in trouble for doing stupid shit, like drinking, having sex, missing a class, etc., - all stuff they should be getting in trouble for but they can't even do that.
They can't go to their parents because they hear their parents worried about money and how they are going to survive and the kids don't want to add anymore stress to their parents.
They have no where to turn.

To say a 16 year old's suicide is "insignificant" because it is just a number and you try and justify it because a 16 year old can "drink, have sex, etc." is what makes you a retard.
You are so stuck in yourself and that if people don't think your way, they are, as you called me, a retard.

I hope you don't have kids or grandkids like I do because, one day, if you grandkid needed to ask for help and all you can tell them is they are just a number and if they are 16 and they can "smoke, drink, have sex" than they should be able to understand what life is all about.

If I am a retard because I care and understand, than so be it.
I would much rather be a retard than a fucking stuck up piece of shit like you.

You mention God, well I believe in God. I know some do and some don't and that is their right.
I do believe and the God I believe in would want me to show compassion, not just make these kids a "number".

Oct 31, 2018
X.....Use of the words
Probably and likely destroys any credibility you wish you had.
Feb 20, 2002
X.....Use of the words
Probably and likely destroys any credibility you wish you had.

Why is that? Because a newbie with 3 posts says so?

Nobody around here bashes anyone more than I do, nobody pushes more buttons than me,


The "we" refers ONLY to incredibly stupid people like yourself who don't have either the genes or the intelligence needed to understand/accept the truth

and DOCUMENTED facts expressed so well by X-Files.

The relatively few objective folks who read and post here get, understand and appreciate the great and useful information

he provides here day in and day out!

I tried to after reading this, but I received a message about spreading karma around to other posters.

Keep fighting the good fight X. Willie and others like him would be bored without your contributions here.

X-Files, thanks to your service to the RX forum, Willie will have something to discuss during his unwinding celebrations later this month.

X-You’ve been done an excellent job providing Covid information


Actually, I am not defending what he wrote. He is very well spoken and is doing a good job on his own.

Thanks for the Updates X-Files. Keep the info coming!

X-Files-even though I will no longer be posting anything in this section nor in the Rubber Room any later by whatever comes first, Inauguration Day,

or when there is some finality to the results of the Election, I want to personally thank you for all of the informative and factual material you have

compiled and posted in your threads and otherwise re: the Virus, Trump and the Election.

My advice is just ignore the noise and keep on doing what you do because there are other objective and open-minded folks besides

me who appreciate your very fine insightful information!!

Keep up the great work!!

I second this, and, I hope that you'll reconsider, savage1.

Keep posting X-Files....the updates are great!! Haters are gonna hate...cuz that's what they do!

Thanks, soli. I will.

I'm not going to bother responding to all the lies by the pathological liars in the other posts. Blind sheep imitating their loser boy Trump.

Clearly they would rather make false personal insults than address the intelligent posts i have made re the OP topic, etc, with intelligent responses.

Who are they? God? Do they speak for Him? No. So their worthless lying opinions about me are easily dismissed & irrelevant. I know better.

Though their remarks do reveal quite a bit about themselves.
Feb 20, 2002
XFiles is the most vile piece of shit human on this site. Do not know anything about him but he is definitely a Communist.
He 100% a delusional loon! Not very intelligent either

Think we need to ignore him totally, no one respond to any of his threads .

People like him are a detriment to society, they should be minimized or more...


Nobody around here bashes anyone more than I do, nobody pushes more buttons than me,


The "we" refers ONLY to incredibly stupid people like yourself who don't have either the genes or the intelligence needed to understand/accept the truth

and DOCUMENTED facts expressed so well by X-Files.

The relatively few objective folks who read and post here get, understand and appreciate the great and useful information

he provides here day in and day out!

I tried to after reading this, but I received a message about spreading karma around to other posters.

Keep fighting the good fight X. Willie and others like him would be bored without your contributions here.

X-Files, thanks to your service to the RX forum, Willie will have something to discuss during his unwinding celebrations later this month.

X-You’ve been done an excellent job providing Covid information


Actually, I am not defending what he wrote. He is very well spoken and is doing a good job on his own.

Thanks for the Updates X-Files. Keep the info coming!

X-Files-even though I will no longer be posting anything in this section nor in the Rubber Room any later by whatever comes first, Inauguration Day,

or when there is some finality to the results of the Election, I want to personally thank you for all of the informative and factual material you have

compiled and posted in your threads and otherwise re: the Virus, Trump and the Election.

My advice is just ignore the noise and keep on doing what you do because there are other objective and open-minded folks besides

me who appreciate your very fine insightful information!!

Keep up the great work!!

I second this, and, I hope that you'll reconsider, savage1.

Keep posting X-Files....the updates are great!! Haters are gonna hate...cuz that's what they do!

Thanks, soli. I will.

I'm not going to bother responding to all the lies by the pathological liars in the other posts. Blind sheep imitating their loser boy Trump.

Clearly they would rather make false personal insults than address the intelligent posts i have made re the OP topic, etc, with intelligent responses.

Who are they? God? Do they speak for Him? No. So their worthless lying opinions about me are easily dismissed & irrelevant. I know better.

Though their remarks do reveal quite a bit about themselves.
Feb 20, 2002
Think we need to ignore him totally, no one respond to any of his threads .

So says Pinocchio.

Thanks for all you do X-Files!

Great job in here X Files.

HAHA I love this, seriously, that's awesome.

"Fade or follow or stick your thumb up your ass. Up to you."

thanks for sharing

X/Files......appreciate the info buddy.........BOL today........indy

X/Files........"S"......well done YTD.........continued success buddy.........indy

Like to thank you for your posts. Rode both winners last night. Probably follow your late games except think I like Ohio St.
But once again thanks for the thread much appreciated for your time.
Best wishes

Another W, wanted to stop by and say thanks for posting these plays X.

Thanks for posting X Files, that was an easy winner!

"S" goes 2-0 and so does my bankroll! Thanks brutha!

Why do people care so much? Gl X

Thanks for the post

Thx Ex..... Keep up the good work

BOL buddy! Hope you kill it.

Keep em coming

Thanks fellas!
Feb 20, 2002
Your next point - I don't give a fuck if the number is 1 out of 100,000,000,000 - it is still "significant."

I didn't say "insignificant". I said "statistically insignificant".

You shutdown to save millions of lives because the few more than usual that might commit suicide as a result are not worth sacrificing millions.

All lives and deaths are "significant" !

Yes, all human life is sacred & made in God's image.

If they were not, than ALL these Covid deaths would be "insignificant" according to your numbers because less than 2 % of the worlds population is dying from it.

Compared to saving trillions, & losing a few million, yes, the few million are "statistically irrelevant". It's better to lose mere millions than trillions.

I am around it all the time and these kids just can't understand what is going on. They can't "grasp" what is happening around them - being quarantined, not being able to see their friends at school, outside of school, etc.

I find that hard to believe. A 16 day or 16 month old child would not understand what's going on with the world covid situation, but it's well within the grasp of 16 year olds.

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